February 25

Weekly Challenge: Do Something That Scares You

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With the GMG Now launch we wanted to introduce a new weekly series that supports our belief in continuously challenging ourselves with new things. We feel that these challenges help us live a more well rounded and fulfilled life. If you’re up for it, every week we will be sharing a new challenge to encourage everyone in the GMG Community to tackle something new. If it feels right, share how you completed the challenge on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #GMGChallenge.

For this week, we are challenging you to take on something that scares you! What makes you squirm, or takes you way out of your comfort zone? It doesn’t have to be big or dangerous (please use caution and common sense with any new challenge).

As I mentioned on Instagram, I grew up around horses with my sister riding practically every day of the week. She was a natural born rider. Me? Not so much. Though I admired their beauty from afar, I always felt intimidated by the size and sometimes unpredictable behavior of these massive animals. And, of course, with their naturally heightened instincts, horses always sensed my apprehension. As an adult, I’ve avoided riding them, except during a trip to Mexico a few years ago which didn’t go very well. The final pictures showed me having a wonderful time riding on the beach, but truth be told, my horse decided to take me for a little run, and I was not pleased (hence the tears). However, since I promised Thomas that I would ride with him in the Dominican Republic, I had no choice but to challenge myself to overcome my fears and give horseback riding one more shot. And, guess what? I ended-up having the best time with the sweetest horse, who sensed my fears and need to go really slow and was gentle and kind. I was shaking at the beginning, but by the end I felt relaxed and full of smiles! I’m not saying that I’ll be riding horse on a regular basis now, but I’ve definitely removed horseback riding from my “taboo” list.

Best of luck to you and enjoy the challenge!

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