February 22

What I Love About Coming Home After A Long Trip

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I love to travel. But since we recently spent so much time and effort creating our ideal living space, I also love coming home. We are fortunate to take some amazing trips and, while parts are relaxing and refreshing, traveling also offers many new experiences and sensations that, at times, can be sensory overload. Coming home, however, offers a different, more familiar form of relaxation. It’s funny how it’s mostly the small things about being home that I look forward to. My favorite things about coming home are my comfy bed, getting caught up on my favorite TV shows, sitting and relaxing on my couch, and being able to stick to a more healthy diet and workout schedule.

My Bed – I’ll mention it again in a future GMG Now short post, but ever since we invested in a new bed and incredibly soft, quality sheets, nothing can compare to it. I feel like I’m sleeping on a cloud!

My Shows – We rarely watch television when traveling because we are so busy exploring and experiencing our venue. Once we get home, however, we’ll start binge watching missed episodes of our favorite shows. Right now we are obsessed with Billions on Showtime, Walking Dead on AMC, and we just got caught up on Mr. Selfridge on Masterpiece.

My Couch – What can I say other than that my pink couch is like a sanctuary to me. Curling up on it is pure joy. On most days, if I’m not sitting at my desk, this is where you can find me.

My Food – A big part of what makes traveling so enjoyable is trying out new foods and restaurants. Many times we can’t get the same types of food back home, so we try to go out of our way to experience as much of the area or culture’s cuisine as possible, meaning we often overindulge. Once back home, we’re able to go back to our usual (and preferable) routine of cooking healthy, or eating fresh and green at one of our many favorite neighborhood spots.

My Workouts – On the road, it’s hard to get in enough consistent and rigorous workouts. When we travel we maintain a tightly set schedule of work and activities, so carving out extra, dedicated time for focused exercise (including having to re-shower and blow-dry my hair) is usually unrealistic. But as soon as we’re back home, one of the first things we do is book a Soulcycle class and include a rigorous workout for each of the remaining days of the week.

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