
December 18

Star Bright

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Outfit Details:
Boden Dress on C & M

New Year’s Eve is fast approaching, promising a night of unforgettable memories. This year we are planning a family-friendly, disco-themed celebration filled with a variety of charming, sparkling styles and decorations to elevate the festivities. These twinkling, enchanting accents add the perfect touch of glimmer and magic for a fun, final farewell to 2023!

littles sparkly holiday dresses
littles sparkly holiday dresses

BAUM UND PFERDGARTEN TopMother JeansKhaite BeltBoden Dress on C & M

Ruffle Tulle Star Dress

Sparkle and shine with this ruffle tulle dress, a whimsical piece adorned with foil stars that captures the magic of the night, making it the perfect choice for a New Year’s Eve celebration.

Glitter Star Barettes

This set of charming star-shaped barrettes not only keep your little’s hair in place but also bring a delightful twinkle to a festive dress or skirt.

Metallic Star Detail Bag

Complement a holiday blouse, sweater, or dress with this metallic star bag that will making your little fashionista feel like a star at any festive gathering.

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