March 31

What does your workout routine look like in Charleston?

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It took us a while to settle into a good routine in Charleston but we think we’ve figured it out. We just discovered Orangetheory and we are loving it. We try to go at least 2-3x a week and try to fit in other exercises on 1-2 additional days. What’s great about the workout is that you can see how you are doing in real time thanks to the heart rate monitor you wear. It pushes you to work harder and harder each time. On the days that we don’t do Orangetheory, we will do a Kayla Itsines Sweat workout, either at home or at a park. Most of her workouts can be completed at home if you want to just do bodyweight exercises. Alternatively, you can do what we did and go get the few pieces of equipment necessary. If we are looking for something a little different we will do a workout from DailyBurn, which we stream at home on our Apple TV. They have a wide range of classes including some fun dance classes that are great if we’ve felt like we’ve been on the couch a little too long. I’m also trying out a few new classes with friends to switch things up. Back in SF, we were really into SoulCycle and Barry’s Bootcamp.

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