You can read the detailed story on this blogpost.
To summarize, we’d always been considering moving somewhere outside of San Francisco. After graduating from college, San Francisco seemed like a natural choice for a place to settle and we both ended up getting jobs there. Every time we went on a trip we’d evaluate whether we could see ourselves moving there. London, New York, Paris, LA, these were all place we’d considered but for a number of reasons they just didn’t seem like the best life choice for us. As soon as we visited Charleston for the first time this summer we were in love. While it’s a smaller city than SF and has a slower pace, we saw that as advantage. It’s a great city and one of the most beautiful places we’ve ever been to. The weather is great. The food is phenomenal. And the people are incredibly kind. We’ve settled in nicely in Charleston and we are so happy with our decision.
If you have any questions about our favorite shops, restaurants, and sites in Charleston, you can reference our Charleston guide.