
March 20

Enjoy Getting Outside This Spring

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March is my absolute favorite month to be in Charleston. The promise of a more outdoor-focused lifestyle was one of the biggest factors that drew us here in the first place, and this time of year, the perfect spring weather, blooming flowers, and soft ocean breezes make the outdoors absolutely irresistible. While I often come up with seasonal bucket lists to make sure I don’t miss out on any of my favorite activities, this spring, all I really want to do is get outside every single day. I know that sometimes, on the busiest days, that may mean something as simple as bringing my laptop to the porch, but I hope that the majority of the time, it will mean enjoying one of my three favorite outdoor activities.


As I’m sure you’ve noticed if you watch my Instagram Stories, Thomas has developed a passion for gardening. One of his biggest projects so far has been starting a vegetable garden–he planted a bunch of seeds back in January and turned our laundry room into a mini greenhouse. He finally moved the growing plants to our new raised beds just a few weeks ago! This is only one of many dreams we have for our outdoor space. Ever since we moved into our house, we’ve definitely been bit by the gardening bug, and love spending time together working on bringing our vision to life. Down the road, we’d love to work on planting the rest of our garden as well!


I try my best to get outside for a walk every day. This is easier in NYC, where we walk to and from work every day, but I especially enjoy it in Charleston. We often head downtown on weekends to explore new-to-us areas, but most of the time, we love taking a few laps around our neighborhood in the morning or evening. We see which trees and flowers are newly bursting into bloom, try to spot herons and other wildlife by the water, and catch up with neighbors we pass along the way. It’s also the perfect opportunity to disconnect for a little while–I often leave my phone at home so I can fully focus on the sights and sounds around me.

Riding Bikes

I’ve always enjoyed riding a bike to get around town, and living in a city as bike-friendly as Charleston means Thomas and I can take ours for a spin frequently. Whether I’m riding a few blocks away to my favorite local coffee shop or we’re toting our bikes to the beach to catch the sunrise (one of our favorite weekend activities), I always feel invigorated by feeling the breeze on my face and getting a little bit of exercise. Now that the weather is warming up, I can hardly wait to making bike riding a regular part of our routines again.

What do you enjoy doing outside this time of year? Let me know if we share a favorite, or if there is something else you love most!

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