Today is Giving Tuesday, a time to reflect and encourage giving, not only around the holidays, but during the rest of the year as well. Thomas and I feel very passionately about giving back to our community and the causes we believe in, especially this year, in light of all the struggles and tragedies our nation and the world has had to endure. We would like to encourage you to think about ways to give back this season and upcoming year as well. Whether it’s in the form of a monetary contribution, volunteer hours, or clothes and food donations, every little bit really does help. Here are five organizations to help get you started. If you want to explore additional ways to give, Charity Watch is a wonderful organization to help guide you through the process .
THE NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE – The only national, full-service domestic violence hotline that answers the call 24/7 for survivors and concerned friends, family members, co-workers, and others seeking information and guidance on how to help someone experiencing relationship abuse.
How can you help? By making a donation to help them continue providing confidential support to anyone who needs them, or by volunteering.Â
FEED AMERICA – For more than 40 years, Feeding America has responded to the needs of individuals dealing with food insecurities. It is the organization’s continuing mission to end the fight against hunger.
How can you help? By advocating to end hunger, donating, or volunteering your time and talents.
DRESS FOR SUCCESS – An organization dedicated to helping women gain economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and development tools needed to thrive in work and in life.
How can you help? By donating gently used clothes, monetarily, or by volunteering.
NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION – At this moment, more than a third of our country’s species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. The National Wildlife Federation remains at the forefront of the fight to tackle wildlife’s greatest threats, working collaboratively to increase wildlife populations and enhance their capacity to thrive.
How can you help? By becoming a member, making a donation, shopping their site, or becoming a volunteer.
THE HUMANE SOCIETY – The Humane Society is well known for providing hands-on care and services to more than 100,000 animals each year, seeking a more humane world for people and animals alike.
How can you help? Make a donation or, if you’re thinking about getting a new pet, consider adoption.